Trainer and Supplier of Medical Manikins and Simulators | SEM Trainers Valsad
Who Are We
Welcome To Sem Trainers & Systems
SEM Trainers & Systems are an active player in the field of supply & training for the use of Medical Manikins and Simulators for development of various Skills in Surgery, Anesthesia, Nursing , Emergency Medical Services(EMS), Reproductive Child Healthcare (RCH), Emergency Medicine in Obstetrics & Gynecology (EMOC),and in a wide range of Government Civil Hospitals and Institutions throughout the Country’s Health Administrating Network.
Please note that all our Manikins are from reputed International Companies with World class manufacturing & highest Quality standards are ISO 9001
SEM Trainers & Systems have supplied and trained for a very large number of Government Civil Hospital, Zillah Parishads, Medical Technical Training Teams, ANM /GNM Nursing Schools adn Medical Colleges all over Maharashtra, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and other states across the Country.
SEM Trainers & Systems have further supplied and trained for various Medical establishments and Institutes of the Indian Armed Forces spread all across India.
Testimony to our technical capability in reaching out to Medical staff attached to Zillah Parishads, Civil Hospital & Rural Health Organizations, is the fact that we have very successfully supplied and trained for various Manikins executed under two large Orders from the Ministry of Health, Government of Maharashtra under the SECTOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMME of the EUROPEAN COMMISSION under the Guidelines of the World Bank procedures.
We have also very successfully executed various orders with repeat orders from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Governments of Gujarat and Tamil Nadu.
We have further very successfully executed several repeat orders from various National level Medical Associations and Societies such as The Federation of Obstretics & Gynaecological Societies of India ( FOGSI) , and National and International level Health NGO’s operating in India, like JANANI, CEDPA. IPAS and several others in the State of Gujarat
We have supplied various ACLS and ATLS Simulators and Simulators for Skills Labs to Institutions like AFMC, & Private Medical Colleges and Universities such as KLE, Belgaum, BLDE, Bijapur, MGIMS, Wardha, KD Ambani , Mumbai, to mention a few
The above are a testimony to the confidence that our customers have in the Technical & Financial capability in executing large contracts to their satisfaction
SEM Trainers & Systems deems it, its mission to supply & train various levels of Medical staff, from the freshest Dais/Nurse (village level Obstetrical assistants) at the Rural Zillah Parishads level to Doctors in Multi Specialty Hospitals in the Selection Use and Maintenance of Medical Simulators.
As a part of our mission our staff reaches out to all users all across the Country including our Northeastern Sister States (Manipur, Tripura, Nagaland, Assam, Mizoram) and including hilly and tribal areas of the Country.
Till date we have supplied and trained at more than 1500 Medical Institutions and Medical Centers all over the Country. We have enclosed herewith a partial list of our customers for your perusal
SEM specializes in the supply of various Manikins from US and European Manufactures through an arrangement which our Principals M/S 3BsCientific Germany has with these leading manufacturers.
We therefore supply all your Training Manikin requirement from under one source with independent warranties from our Principals.
The items offered above are imported from our Principals M/S 3B Scientific in Germany.
Our Principals are a leading international manufacturer of Anatomy models and Medical Training Simulators, with valid legal arrangements to market and distribute Simulators of other manufacturers.
Our catalog contains products of 3B Scientific and key products of Nasco, Laerdal, Simulaids and Gaumard who are US Military accredited since last 75 years.
We further ensure that all our products are genuinely made in the US / Europe, are manufactured under strict ISO 9000 Programs, are brand new & not second hand refurbished and carry the genuine marks and documentation of the American/ European manufactures and are shipped to you directly from Germany with out allowing them to be warehoused at any intermediate stage with in India.
SEM Trainers & Systems conducts a short session on how to use and maintain the Manikins and get the maximum life out of it. We further will assist you in setting up Medical Skills Training Laboratories at you sites Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to approach us for the same.

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