Medical Training 2.0- integrating simulation in curriculum

Medical Training 2.0- integrating simulation in curriculum.

In the ever-changing realm of medical education, a transformative shift is underway: Medical Training 2.0. This evolution entails the integration of cutting-edge simulation techniques into the curriculum, reshaping how future healthcare professionals learn and excel. At SEM Trainers and Systems, we’re at the forefront of this educational revolution, offering state-of-the-art medical manikins and simulators designed to elevate medical training to new heights. Also as Per the New NMC (National Medical Commission ) Guidelines wherein they have insisted on Clinical Simulation Skills Lab and Manikins for Department of Pharmacology. The Need for  Integration is a top priority.

Seamless Learning Experience

Gone are the days of traditional textbook learning. The new Medical Training introduces an immersive approach where learners actively engage in lifelike scenarios. By integrating simulation into the curriculum, students step into the shoes of medical professionals, practicing procedures, diagnosis, and response to emergencies in a safe and controlled environment.

Why Simulation Matters

Simulation-based learning brings a multitude of benefits to medical education:

  1. Realistic Practice: Our simulators mirror human anatomy and physiology with astounding accuracy, enabling learners to perform procedures just as they would on real patients.
  2. Mistakes as Stepping Stones: In a risk-free environment, trainees can make mistakes, learn from them, and refine their skills without endangering patient lives.
  3. Team Collaboration: Healthcare is a team effort. Our simulators facilitate collaborative training scenarios, promoting effective communication and teamwork among future medical professionals.
  4. Instant Feedback: With smart feedback technology, trainees receive immediate insights into their performance, helping them pinpoint areas for improvement.
  5. Tailored Learning: Every learner’s journey is unique. SEM Trainers’ simulators allow educators to customize scenarios to match individual skill levels, fostering personalized growth.

SEM Trainers’ Cutting-Edge Simulators

Our commitment to revolutionize medical education led us to distribute  Anatomical Models along with Advanced simulators – Task trainers – Low -Moderate – High Fidelity Manikins and also Virtual Dissection Table  that align seamlessly with the advanced Medical Training:

  1. Lifelike Realism: Our simulators replicate human responses, from palpable pulses to reactive pupils. This authenticity ensures learners build confidence for real-world situations.
  2. Comprehensive Versatility: Whether it’s surgical practice, emergency response, or diagnostic procedures, our simulators cater to a wide spectrum of medical disciplines.
  3. Guided Progress: Trainees receive real-time data on their performance, empowering them to track progress and work on areas that need enhancement.
  4. Adaptable Scenarios: Educators can customize scenarios, ensuring learners face challenges that suit their learning stage, gradually building their competence.

Embracing the Future

As we march forward into the future of medical education, the importance of simulation in the curriculum cannot be overstated. These days students are equipped with not just theoretical knowledge but also practical expertise, nurturing well-rounded professionals ready to tackle the complexities of the healthcare world.

So, are you ready to Elevate Your Medical Training?

Join us in this educational revolution. At SEM Trainers and Systems, we invite you to explore our Turn Key range of state-of-the-art medical manikins and simulators. Prepare your learners for success by offering them an unparalleled learning experience that combines realistic practice and tailored growth paths.

The integration of simulation into the curriculum empowers learners with hands-on experience, practical skills, and confidence to excel in their careers and hence, SEM Trainers’ and Systems advanced simulators are your gateway to embracing this revolution, shaping the healthcare professionals of tomorrow.


Medical Errors: How Training can make a difference

Medical Errors: How Training can make a difference

Medical errors can have devastating consequences. However, with proper training and precautions, these errors can be prevented. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of training healthcare professionals and implementing safety measures to ensure patient safety. Discover the key strategies that can make a significant difference in preventing medical errors and how comprehensive training equips healthcare professionals for safe and quality care.

Building Knowledge: 

Medical training establishes a strong foundation. It imparts in-depth knowledge of medical principles, anatomy, physiology, and diseases. Understanding the human body and potential risks helps professionals make informed decisions and avoid errors that threaten patient safety.

Enhancing Clinical Skills:

Training goes beyond theory. It hones practical skills through hands-on experience. Professionals learn proper procedures, techniques, and best practices. This ensures accuracy and reduces errors during interventions, surgeries, and diagnostics.

Promoting Communication and Collaboration:

Effective communication prevents errors. Training emphasizes clear and concise communication among healthcare teams. It teaches accurate transmission of patient history, test results, and treatment plans. Collaboration fosters seamless coordination, reducing errors due to miscommunication.

Cultivating Critical Thinking: 

Training cultivates critical thinking. It equips professionals to identify risks, analyze complex scenarios, and make accurate decisions. Critical thinking prevents errors before they occur, safeguarding patient well-being.

Continuous Learning:

Training is an ongoing process. Professionals engage in continuous learning to stay updated. They adapt to changes in practices and technologies, ensuring patient safety. Ongoing education enables proactive implementation of preventive measures, minimizing serious medical errors.

Training plays a pivotal role in preventing serious medical errors. It imparts knowledge, enhances clinical skills, promotes communication, and fosters critical thinking. Continuous learning ensures professionals stay at the forefront, preventing errors and ensuring patient safety.

For a quality medical training for your team, SEM provides you with medical manikins that help you give them get their training in the best way!

Medical Stimulator: A key factor in effective medical training

Get the best medical stimulators from SEM Trainers
Get the best medical stimulators from SEM Trainers

In the ever-evolving field of healthcare, medical professionals must stay up-to-date with the latest advancements. One crucial aspect of training is the use of medical simulators. However, selecting the right medical stimulator tailored to your specific training needs is of utmost importance.

In this blog post, we will explore the significance of choosing the perfect medical stimulator and its impact on effective medical training.

  • Enhanced Realism for Immersive Training: One key aspect of an efficient medical simulator is its ability to provide a realistic training experience. By simulating real-life medical scenarios, students and healthcare practitioners can develop essential skills and knowledge in a controlled environment. The right medical stimulator offers accurate anatomical features, lifelike tissue responses, and simulated physiological functions. This realism allows learners to immerse themselves in lifelike scenarios, increasing engagement and enabling them to acquire practical skills that can be readily transferred to real-world patient care.
  • Tailored Training for Specialized Skills: Medical professionals often require specialized training in various fields, such as surgery, anesthesia, or emergency medicine. The significance of selecting the right medical stimulator lies in its ability to cater to these specific needs. Different simulators are designed to replicate the intricacies of particular procedures, allowing learners to practice and refine their skills in a controlled setting. Whether it is mastering surgical techniques, administering anesthesia, or responding to critical emergencies, a well-suited medical stimulator ensures tailored training to hone specialized skills.
  • Risk-Free Environment for Learning: Medical procedures inherently carry risks, and mistakes can have severe consequences. Therefore, offering learners a risk-free environment to make errors and learn from them is vital. By utilizing a medical stimulator, trainees can experiment and practice without compromising patient safety. They can test different approaches, refine their techniques, and build confidence before applying their skills on actual patients. The right medical stimulator minimizes potential harm, providing a supportive learning environment that encourages exploration, experimentation, and continuous improvement.
  • Cost-Effective Training Solution: In addition to the benefits mentioned above, choosing the right medical stimulator can also have a positive impact on training budgets. By investing in a high-quality simulator, organizations can reduce costs associated with traditional training methods, such as cadaver-based learning or frequent patient simulations. Medical simulators offer a cost-effective alternative, allowing trainees to practice repeatedly without incurring additional expenses. Furthermore, the ability to simulate rare or complex medical conditions enhances the learning experience, reducing the need for expensive specialized training sessions.

In the ever-advancing landscape of healthcare, the importance of selecting the right medical stimulator for training cannot be overstated. By providing enhanced realism, tailored training, a risk-free environment, and cost-effective solutions, these simulators play a crucial role in shaping competent and confident healthcare professionals. Choose wisely, and empower yourself and your team with the best tool to master your medical skills.

CPR for Common Men: A Step-by-Step Guide to Saving Lives

Learn the essential CPR techniques every common man should know.

This blog provides a comprehensive guide on performing CPR correctly, offering valuable tips and step-by-step instructions. Empower yourself with life-saving skills today!

Empowering common men with the ability to perform CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) can be a game-changer in emergency situations. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essential steps and techniques of CPR, equipping you with the knowledge and confidence needed to save lives. Whether you’re a parent, a caregiver, or simply a concerned citizen, mastering CPR is a valuable skill that can make a significant impact. Let’s delve into the world of CPR and learn how you can be prepared to be a life-saving hero!     

So starting with understanding, what exactly is CPR? 

CPR is an emergency procedure that combines chest compressions and rescue breaths to maintain blood circulation and oxygen supply to the brain and vital organs. It is commonly used to revive individuals who have experienced cardiac arrest, drowning, or other life-threatening situations.

Step-by-Step CPR Instructions:

1. Assess the scene: Ensure your safety and check for any potential hazards before approaching the victim.

2. Check responsiveness: Tap the victim’s shoulder and ask if he/she is feeling okay, If there is no response, the person may be unconscious and require immediate CPR.

3. Call for help: Dial emergency services or instruct someone nearby to call while you initiate CPR.

4. Perform chest compressions:

  • Place the heel of your hand on the center of the victim’s chest.
  • Position your other hand on top, interlacing your fingers.
  • Lock your elbows and use your upper body weight to push down firmly, aiming for a depth of about 2 inches.
  • Perform chest compressions at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute.

5. Deliver rescue breaths:

  • Tilt the victim’s head back gently and lift their chin.
  • Pinch their nose and create a tight seal over their mouth with yours.
  • Give two rescue breaths, each lasting about one second.
  • Observe the chest rise and fall.

6. Continue CPR cycles: 

Alternate between chest compressions and rescue breaths in a ratio of 30:2. Aim for a minimum of 2 minutes of CPR before reassessing the victim’s condition.

Things to know while you Essential CPR Tips:

  • Don’t be afraid to perform CPR. Remember, any attempt is better than no attempt at all.
  • Press hard and fast during chest compressions. This helps maintain blood circulation effectively.
  • Allow the chest to fully recoil between compressions, ensuring optimal blood flow.
  • Take turns with another person if possible, as performing CPR can be physically demanding.
  • Stay calm and focused, following the instructions provided by emergency medical services if you’re on the phone with them.

Being prepared to perform CPR is crucial for common men in emergency situations. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this blog, you can gain confidence and potentially save lives. 

Remember, CPR is a skill that can make a significant difference until professional help arrives. Whether it’s your loved one, a stranger, or even yourself, your knowledge of CPR can be the lifeline that gives them a second chance. Equip yourself with these essential life-saving techniques and be the hero when it counts!

The Impact of I.V. Injection Simulators on Training Outcomes

The medical field is an ever-changing and advancing industry. As new technologies and techniques emerge, healthcare professionals must continue to learn and improve their skills. One area where technology has made a significant impact is in medical training. Specifically, the use of simulation technology has proven to be an effective way to train healthcare professionals and has considerably improved training outcomes in the medical field over the years.

I.V. Injection Simulator

An intravenous (I.V.) injection simulator is a device that is used to simulate the injection of fluids into a patient’s veins. These simulators are designed to mimic the actual experience of administering an I.V. injection and provide a realistic training experience for healthcare professionals. One of the main benefits of using these I.V. injection simulators is that they allow for repeated practice without the need for live patients. This means that healthcare professionals can gain valuable experience without putting actual patients at risk. Additionally, these simulators provide immediate feedback, allowing users to adjust their technique and improve their skills.

Virtual Reality IV Injection Simulation

Virtual reality (VR) technology has been a game-changer in the medical field, and the use of VR for I.V. injection simulation is no exception. VR allows for a fully immersive experience, where users can practice administering injections in a simulated environment. This technology provides a level of realism that cannot be achieved with traditional simulation methods. For example, VR can simulate the sensation of inserting a needle into a patient’s vein, providing a more realistic training experience. The use of VR for I.V. injection simulation has been shown to greatly improve training outcomes in healthcare professionals and increase their confidence.

Improved Performance and Quality in CPR Manikin Training

Another area where simulation technology has made an impact is in CPR manikin training. CPR manikins are used to simulate cardiac arrest situations and allow healthcare professionals to practice life-saving techniques. In recent years, simulation technology has advanced to the point where CPR manikins can provide real-time feedback on performance. For example, some CPR manikins can measure the depth and rate of chest compressions, providing immediate feedback to the user. This technology has been shown to improve the quality and effectiveness of CPR training, leading to better patient outcomes.

At the end of the day, the use of simulation technology has greatly improved training outcomes in the medical field. I.V. injection simulators and virtual reality technologies make for a realistic training experience, allowing healthcare professionals to gain valuable experience without the need to risk live patients. Additionally, the use of simulation technology in CPR manikin training has improved the quality and effectiveness of training, leading to better patient outcomes. And as technology continues to advance, it is likely that simulation technology will become an even more essential part of medical training.

How Realistic Feedback is Revolutionizing CPR Manikin Training

Did you know that 9 out of 10 people who have a cardiac arrest outside the hospital die? CPR is a very easy skill to learn, and its quality can be improved by providing real-time feedback.

What is CPR?

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a life-saving technique used in emergency situations to keep blood and oxygen flowing to vital organs when someone’s heart has stopped beating. It can save a life if their breathing or heart stops. (During a cardiac arrest, a person’s heart stops beating and cannot pump blood to the rest of the body. But in a heart attack, the blood flow to the heart is blocked.)

To ensure that the best possible outcomes are achieved in a real-life scenario, the quality of CPR administered during training is crucial. One essential tool for providing effective CPR training is the use of a realistic feedback device, such as an advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) CPR feedback device, which provides accurate and immediate feedback on the quality of CPR being performed.

Real-time Feedback Device ACLS

ACLS feedback devices are designed to improve the quality of CPR training by providing feedback on key metrics such as compression depth, compression rate, and recoil. These devices are integrated into CPR manikins to provide real-time feedback to trainees on the quality of their compressions and breaths. This feedback is based on the latest American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines for CPR, ensuring that trainees receive the most up-to-date information on proper CPR techniques.

Purpose of the CPR Feedback Device

During CPR training, the feedback device helps trainees learn the proper technique to administer chest compressions and ventilations. It also helps them maintain a consistent rhythm and depth of compressions, which are critical for the success of CPR. Without the use of a feedback device, trainees may not know whether they are administering CPR correctly, which can lead to ineffective training and potentially life-threatening mistakes during real-life emergency situations.

Feedback Functions for Review During CPR

Feedback devices also let trainees review their performance after a CPR training session. They can record and store data, provide graphical representations of CPR performance, and offer suggestions for improvement. By reviewing this data, trainees can identify areas where they need to improve and adjust their technique accordingly. This helps them perform better in future CPR training sessions and ultimately, in real-life situations.

The importance of realistic feedback in CPR manikins cannot be overstated. Using a feedback device is essential for providing effective CPR training and improving the quality of CPR administered during real-life emergencies. Real-time feedback devices, such as ACLS feedback devices, provide trainees with immediate feedback on the quality of their compressions and ventilations, helping them learn and maintain proper CPR technique. They also let them review and identify areas where they need to improve and adjust their technique. Ultimately, using realistic feedback devices in CPR training saves lives by ensuring that trainees are well-prepared to provide high-quality CPR when it matters most.

7 Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a CPR Manikin for Effective Training

Did you know that while an ambulance can arrive within 8 minutes, every minute spent without giving someone CPR can decrease their chances of making a full recovery by around 10%?

CPR is possibly one of the most useful skills to have. Yet most bystanders won’t attempt CPR because they are afraid to do it wrong. But essentially, even 9-year-olds have the capacity to effectively give CPR.

What is CPR?

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a lifesaving technique that can be used in emergencies to help revive someone who has experienced cardiac arrest or a similar life-threatening event. Proper training in CPR is essential for anyone who might need to perform it, whether they are healthcare professionals, first responders, or laypeople. And choosing the right CPR manikin is the first step to effective CPR training. In this article, we will discuss the factors to consider when selecting a CPR manikin.

Factors to Consider While Choosing CPR Manikin for Effective Training

1. Realism and Features

The first factor to consider when choosing a CPR manikin is its realism and the features it comes with. A realistic manikin will provide a more accurate simulation of a real-life emergency situation and will better prepare trainees for the challenges they might face when performing CPR on a live patient. Features like a realistic airway, chest rise, and fall, and the ability to simulate breathing or coughing also contribute to a manikin’s realism. A manikin with a variety of features will allow trainees to practice a wider range of scenarios, increasing their confidence and competence. Although it’s important to consider how many features you actually need. While sometimes, you may end up with a manikin with too many features that will end up never being used, other times, you might buy a manikin with fewer features and then later have to buy another one or a part to extend its capabilities.

2. Durability and Maintenance

Another important factor to consider is the durability and maintenance of the manikin. A well-constructed manikin will withstand frequent use and abuse and will last longer than a cheaper, less well-made model. The maintenance requirements of the manikin should also be taken into account, including cleaning and storage, to ensure that it remains in good condition and ready for use as it will be used by hundreds over time.

3. Ease of Use

You also need to consider whether the manikin is easy to use. Trainees should be able to set up and use the manikin without difficulty, and the manikin should be easy to adjust to meet the needs of each individual trainee. A manikin that is too complex or difficult to use might discourage trainees and reduce their engagement in the training process, defeating its purpose.

4. Cost

The cost of a CPR manikin is an important factor to consider, but it should not be the only one. Cheaper models might be more affordable, but they might also lack important features or be less durable. On the other hand, more expensive models might have more features than necessary for your specific training needs. It is important to find a balance between affordability and quality to ensure that the manikin you choose meets your training needs and budget.

5. Portability

Portability is another factor to consider, especially if you need to transport the manikin to different locations for training sessions. A portable manikin should be easy to transport and set up, and it should not be too heavy or bulky to handle. The portability of the manikin will also affect its storage requirements, as a smaller, more compact model will require less space to store.

6. Feedback Mechanism

A feedback mechanism can be a helpful tool for trainees to receive instant, real-time feedback on the effectiveness of their CPR technique. A manikin with a feedback mechanism can provide information on the depth and rate of chest compressions, the quality of the ventilation, and other important metrics that can help trainees improve their technique. Some feedback mechanisms are integrated into the manikin, while others require additional equipment or software.

7. Compatibility with Training Programs

The manikin you choose should be compatible with the training programs you plan to use. Some manikins might be designed for specific training programs or might be more suited to certain types of training, such as advanced life support (ALS) or pediatric life support (PALS). It is important to choose a manikin that will allow you to fully implement the training programs you plan to use, and that will provide the best possible training experience for your trainees.

Choosing the right CPR manikin is an important factor in effective CPR training. When selecting a manikin, it is important to consider factors like realism and features, durability and maintenance, ease of use, cost, portability, feedback mechanism, and compatibility with training programs. By taking these factors into account, you can choose a manikin that meets your training needs and budget, and that will help prepare trainees respond effectively in real-life emergency situations.

How to use the 3b Scientific p90 Birthing Simulator by SEM Trainers?

Once set up, the 3b Scientific p90 Birthing Simulator we provide is pretty easy to use for such a durable, lifelike simulator. When teaching learners about birth using demonstrations and exercises showing the different birth positions and a number of possible complications, here’s how to use the p90 birthing simulator:

Preparing for a Birth

  • Use enough lubricant for the cervix and vulva for the mother part of the simulator. For the baby, effectively lubricate the head, shoulder girdle, and middle back. This is an important step if you don’t want the baby to stick to the birth canal during the process.

Determining the position of the baby

  • Insert the uterus into the abdominal cavity from above. Since the simulator has an inflatable uterus, you can tell the baby’s position through the abdominal wall without the need for invasive measures. For example, you can use Leopold’s maneuvers to tell what position the baby is in.
  • Ensure that the locking pin on the uterus engages with the locking cylinder on the birth simulator.
  • The simulator can be used to simulate the birthing process for a variety of positions of the baby. Place the baby in the uterus in the position which was decided on for this particular simulation scenario.
  • With the pump, inflate the uterus, and keep doing it until you start to feel the baby’s body through the abdominal wall.

Delivery Presentation

  • Anterior occiput presentation: This is the normal birth position where the baby is head-down in the uterus with the back facing the mother’s left or her right. After adequately lubricating the baby’s head and upper body, place the baby into the simulator from the rear in the anterior occiput presentation.
  • Posterior occiput presentation: This delivery presentation is when the baby’s head faces the mother’s belly. After adequately lubricating the baby’s head and upper body, place it into the simulator with its face to the mother’s left or to her right.
  • Breech presentation: This is a tricky position since here, the baby is head up in the uterus. This includes the frank breech, footling breech, and kneeling breech presentations. After adequately lubricating the baby’s legs, buttocks, and lower back, place it into the simulator. If the baby is breech, you may need to apply extra pressure through the opening in the abdominal wall insert because it will be more difficult for it to pass through the birth canal. For frank breech, turn the baby’s legs up. For footling breech, bend the baby’s legs, and for kneeling breech, bend the baby’s legs to make it kneel/stand in the uterus. You can also put your finger in the baby’s mouth to stabilize and guide the head during breech delivery.

Securing the birth simulator

  • Place the birth simulator’s non-slip rubber feet on a table, bed, or anywhere where it won’t slip away.

The Birth Process

  • When you want to remove the uterus and the baby (or change the baby’s position), push and hold the button for the release valve to let the air out until enough air has escaped for the baby to be able to be moved.


  • Look under the simulator for the handhold- hold onto this with one hand to keep the simulator in place during the simulation of birth. With your other hand, intermittently push the baby from the rear to the vulva. What this means is that you will have to push it through the uterus at small intervals to simulate the contractions.


  • The abdominal insert in this simulator has a pre-assembled C-section opening (a pre-cut incision) for demonstrating and practicing C-section deliveries.

Cutting the umbilical cord

  • Finally, it’s time to cut the umbilical cord of the baby. Since the umbilical cord in the simulator is made from material that you can cut up to 5 times and use again, the simulator is cost-effective. Cut the umbilical cord at a distance of around 10 cm from the baby’s body.

This simulator can also be used to practice various maneuvers like Pinard’s maneuver, Mauriceu-Smellie-Veit maneuver, Prague maneuver, and Woods maneuver.

It also helps demonstrate and practice what to do for frequent complications like shoulder dystocia, obstruction by the pubic bone, obstruction by the pelvic floor, placenta previa, presentation of the umbilical cord, umbilical cord prolapse, looping of the umbilical cord, unruptured amniotic sac, and adherent placenta parts.

Cleaning and Care

It’s easy to clean the 3B Scientific p90 birthing simulator- just use a damp cloth on the surfaces and rinse the removable parts like vulva, cervix, and the fetus under running water. And then dry off all the parts before storing it away for next use.

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CPR Essentials: You can’t Talk Medical Training Without These 7 CPR Manikins!

Simulation training has changed the way we approach medical training. It has made great strides in training students on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) skills as well. (A rather convenient option to employing the techniques on real actors.) And with something as urgent as CPR, using realistic manikins can mimic performing CPR on a real person. And students learn better when they can believe the scenario and accept it to be happening.

When we use realistic manikins for CPR training, they help students gain vital skills. These manikins often react realistically to certain stimuli. For instance, just by tilting the head or the chin, we can manipulate the airway and simulate choking or obstruction.

As a First-Aid and CPR instructor, CPR manikins will be your biggest investment in medical training. And for the training to be effective, it is important to use high-quality manikins that employ the best trade-off between fidelity and cost. Essentially, these are medical training equipment used to teach advanced medical procedures and CPR. Finding the right manikins for your training program is important and can depend on your needs. But no matter what you are going for, the following 7 manikins are the must-have of any CPR training program, as they are extremely realistic, responsive high-quality manikins that increase efficiency and encourage learning.

BASICBilly+ incl. Upgrade KIT (Adult CPR Torso With Feedback APP)

The BASIC Billy+ BLS and CPR is a pocket-friendly AHA-compliant BLS manikin that works on Bluetooth to let you train, monitor, analyze, and debrief CPR performances while students can learn the correct hand positions for chest compression, pratice resuscitation, and see their own performance in real-time. Through correct cardiac massage and ventilation technique with direct feedback, this manikin is the perfect example of how you can save lives through CPR if done correctly. This one has realistic anatomical landmarks and head-tilt functionality.

CPR Lilly Pro

This one lets you monitor up to 10 trainees at a time and give real-time objective feedback through the CPRLilly app, increasing effectiveness and efficiency of your course. Trainees can also see their performance in real-time. And the LED lights under the neck give direct feedback and indicate the correct compression parameters of depth, release, and rate. This manikin is extremely durable and easy to clean.

Life/form Basic Buddy Plus Convenience Pack powered by Heartisense

Anatomically realistic AHA-compliant CPR manikin with real-time feedback and easy head-tilt/chin-lift for airway. This manikin is simple to assemble and maintain, and enables effective training with apps and sensor kit. With head-/chin-tilt, you have an open airway, and it’s also easy to simulate an obstructed airway. The Xiphoid process also provides anatomical reference points for hand placement and compressions.

Airway Larry with Heartisense

This CPR manikin provides real-time feedback for compressions and ventilations for up to 6 manikins at a time, and comes with apps and a sensor kit that can be attached to a CPR -feedback-lacking manikin.

Life/form AED Trainer with Basic Buddy CPR Manikin

This universal AED trainer can help prepare students for what to do during emergency “shock” and “no shock” situations at the push of a button. There are four training scenarios for manual and hands-free training. This manikin is inexpensive, and the lung/mouth protection systems are disposable, so no risk of cross-contamination!

Life/form NG Tube & Trach Skills Simulator

This realistic simulator helps practice vital tracheostomy skills, gastrointestinal skills through nasal and oral access, and care for patients with respiratory conditions. It perfectly simulates the trachea, esophagus, lungs, stomach, and other landmarks. And if you add methyl cellulose to water, you can simulate mucous-like fluids of a real patient to add to the lungs and stomach.

Economy Adult Airway Management Trainer

A detailed adult intubation head so trainees can practice advanced airway management and intubation skills such as endotracheal intubation and nasotracheal intubation, gain anatomy knowledge and recognition, learn to use field emergency airway adjunct tubes like LMAs and Combitube, and learn to secure, suction, and maintain the installation.

These soft, flexible lifesize manikins are an essential in CPR training. The trainee can compress its chest and breathe air into the manikin, learning vital skills along the way, depending on the manikin he is working on. If you are confused about which manikins to get for your CPR training, look no further, because these are the staples of the CPR manikin world.

ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) – Types & Providers

ACLS is the acronym of Advanced Cardiac Life Support. It is a set of techniques and procedures for treating sudden life-threatening conditions such as cardiac arrest, shock, stroke, and trauma. The goal is to achieve the best possible outcome for all those individuals.

This process is a series of evidence-based responses compatible enough to memorize and be recalled under some traumatic conditions and stabilize them in the moment of stress. This includes restoring normal essential signs and alertness. These techniques and procedures are categorized into algorithms that are a set of standard guidelines that help in the speed, effectiveness and outcomes of ACLS.

The protocols of ACLS are formed after a lot of research, patient case studies, clinical studies, and the opinions of experts in this respective field. ACLS is a kind of intensive medical care that saves lives but it is not successful in all cases. It does not reverse or cure an underlying end-stage or life-threatening condition.

Types of ACLS Treatments

  • Airway stabilization and treatment including inserting a breathing tube in the windpipe (intubation). Mechanical ventilation that uses a ventilator assists or executes breathing.
  • Pacing to rectify certain abnormal heartbeats
  • Breathing treatments to open constricted airways due to allergic reactions, asthma, or COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
  • Intravenous (IV) or central venous catheter placement to deliver fluids, blood transfusions and medications
  • Cardioversion to cure certain cardiac arrhythmias (abnormal heartbeats). A known example is atrial fibrillation. Cardioversion uses medications or low-energy electrical shocks to restore an ordinary heartbeat.
  • IV medications to cure many conditions. IV medications can reverse life-threatening allergic reactions, suppress abnormal heartbeats and correct acidosis. They can help in the reduction of the workload on the heart, decrease fluid buildup, and dissolve a clot that is resulting in a heart attack. They can also help with blood pressure and vital signs.
  • Defibrillation to restore a natural heartbeat using a high-energy electrical shock
  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to keep oxygenated blood pumping through the body until the heart and lungs can execute the same function on their own. This demands pushing down fast and firmly on the chest.
  • Oxygen therapy to enhance the amount of oxygen in the blood
  • Arterial line insertion to constantly take blood pressure readings. It also comes with a catheter in an artery to draw blood for necessary lab tests.
  • Needle decompression or Chest tubes to re-inflate a collapsed lung

When Advanced Cardiac Life Support is Performed?

ACLS is performed at the time of severe life-threatening conditions such as:

  • Heart conditions consisting of cardiac arrest, heart attack, cardiac arrhythmias (abnormal heartbeats), certain congenital heart defects (birth defects), and congestive heart failure.
  • Severe allergic reactions come under anaphylaxis, a dangerous allergic reaction
  • Coma due to stroke, head injury, meningitis, seizures, or diabetes
  • Electrolyte imbalance that comes with abnormal amounts of potassium, calcium or magnesium in the bloodstream
  • Arrhythmias include ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, supraventricular tachycardia, and rapid atrial fibrillation
  • Shock due to extreme bleeding, spinal cord injury, heart conditions, and sepsis (a body-wide reaction to infection)
  • Trauma and injuries undertaking severe burns, major cuts, head and spinal cord injuries, multiple trauma, and smoke inhalation
  • Drug toxicity and chemical exposure that consists of overdose, poisoning, or major adverse effects of medications and street drugs
  • Respiratory failure including problems because of asthma, pulmonary oedema (fluid in the lungs), and pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lung)
  • Terminal illnesses having end-stage liver failure and advanced cancer

Who are ACLS Providers?

ACLS can only be provided by qualified health care providers because only they have the ability to manage the person’s airway, operate emergency pharmacology, read and interpret electrocardiograms, and initiate vascular access. These providers consist of physicians, pharmacists, paramedics, advanced practice providers (physician assistants and nurse practitioners), respiratory therapists, and nurses. The other responders may also be trained to be of help at the time of emergencies.

It is important for the advanced cardiac life support providers to be very particular about their timeliness and to provide the intervention that suitably fits the needs of every individual. A quick and exact assessment of their condition is required for the proper utilization of ACLS. This should not only be followed at the initial stage of assessment but also at the time of reassessment throughout the course of treatment with ACLS.

Here is the list of ACLS manikins by the best medical manikin distributor of India – SEM Trainers & Systems:

Sem Trainers & Systems